Matt Browne practices exclusively in the area of criminal law. He has a track record of success, defending individuals against all types of criminal charges. He understands that facing criminal charges can be the most stressful period in a person’s life. That is why Matt does not only aggressively defend your rights and freedom, but also guides you through the criminal court process.

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Calgary Criminal Defence Lawyer

Most people do not expect to encounter the law, especially in the criminal context. However, if you find yourself under investigation or dealing with the criminal justice system, it is necessary to obtain the right support.

Having a Calgary criminal defence lawyer on your side from day one can help protect your rights and reputation. Browne Criminal Defence could provide legal knowledge and practical experience to help you avoid serious consequences. Schedule a consultation with Matt Browne today to learn about your legal options.

The Criminal Process

When someone is charged with a crime, they typically receive notice of an initial court date and sometimes a fingerprinting date. The “first appearance” tends to be administrative in nature: the Crown and Defence appear before the Court, and a new court date is scheduled. This is also where a criminal defence lawyer can first represent a person’s interests.

Offenses fall into three categories: summary offences, hybrid offences, and indictable offences. Indictable offences are considered more serious than summary offences, and hybrid offences allow the Crown to determine whether they will proceed summarily or by indictment. This decision is typically based on the seriousness of the allegation. After the first appearance, disclosure is requested, prompting the Crown to provide the Defence pertinent information about the alleged crime. 

If the accused is in police custody, a bail hearing may take place or be scheduled, which can affect the rest of the process. A defendant who is released on bail or on their own recognizance can more easily meet with their lawyer and plan their defence, as opposed to those held in custody until trial.

Once these initial steps are complete, the type of offence and Crown election will determine if and where an accused can elect to have their case heard—whether before a Provincial Court Judge, a Court of King’s Bench Judge, or a Judge and Jury. After the election, a defendant can enter a plea of guilty or not guilty. If an accused pleads not guilty, a trial date will be set. If an accused pleads guilty, the case moves to sentencing. At each of these steps, a criminal lawyer in Calgary could ensure fair treatment and even push the prosecution to drop the case.

The Criminal Process

What a Defence Counsel Can Do For You

The value of a defence lawyer often begins well before someone is charged with a crime. If an investigation begins and the police inquire into a particular suspect, a lawyer can immediately start assisting you with your defence.

Once a crime is charged and disclosure begins, a lawyer plays a crucial role in reviewing and assessing the prosecution’s case against the accused. Depending on the state of the case, the defence may be able to convince the Crown to drop the case—for example, if there is little evidence or extenuating circumstances that were initially unknown.

Your lawyer could also push for an accused to be released before trial at a bail hearing and provide guidance on how an accused should elect and plea. Once the trial begins—assuming the accused enters a plea of not guilty—a lawyer’s role becomes even more pivotal. There is no substitute for trial experience. A Calgary defence lawyer could enter the courtroom and advocate for the accused, who is presumed innocent until proven guilty.

Contact a Calgary Criminal Lawyer for Your Defence Today

When you are suspected of a crime, taking a proactive approach to your defence can make the difference between preserving your innocence and facing criminal penalties like prison time and fines. The support of an experienced defence lawyer could help you cope with the criminal justice process, which can take anywhere from months to years.

If you have been accused of a crime, seasoned Calgary criminal defence lawyer Matt Browne is ready to defend your rights. Contact our office today and schedule a consultation to discuss your legal options. 


Matt Browne is a meticulous criminal defence lawyer whose unique background sets him apart from his peers. Armed with a background in engineering, Matt Browne brings a rare analytical perspective to the courtroom. Clients benefit from his strategic approach to advocacy, and his relentless approach to criminal defence.

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